From Ghana to Africa

Shared digital networks for a shared future

Collaborating with MNOs, government & private entities to build a high-speed network for a fully digital Africa.

High-speed wireless information highway pioneering digital future

Without adequate connectivity and digital platforms, only 50% of Sub-Saharan Africa will use mobile services by 2025.

High-speed wireless information

Africa is at the forefront of a digital revolution and the acceleration of 4G/5G connectivity is critical to fuel the continent’s digital transformation goals.

These technologies are foundational for comprehensive digital development – fostering skills, expanding financial services, cultivating entrepreneurship, and improving health-related outcomes.

Following the successful rollout of network services in Ghana, Next Gen Infraco – an SPV of Ascend Digital Solutions – will expand its vision to enable Africa to embrace its true calling, by offering a shared network opportunity like no other.


Next-generation connectivity through Network as a Service

Next-generation connectivity through Network as a Service

Next Gen Infraco enables Africa to build a high-speed data network that complements the nations’ agenda of digitizing the economy. This connected vision puts Africa on the map for sustainable and accelerated growth powered by digitalization and Industry 4.0.

Using Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) model, Next Gen Infraco powers up connectivity across the continent, especially in regions where investment in physical network infrastructure is limited due to economic or geographic constraints.

Transformation roadmap

transformation roadmaptransformation roadmap

Building on the success in Ghana

Digital Infra

In partnership with the National Information Technology Agency, Smart Infraco is connecting public institutions to a secure national backbone, offering 4G Fixed Wireless Access, metro fiber, colocation and cloud services through data centers in Ghana. The infrastructure is operated as open neutral access with connectivity and capacity solutions offered to telecom and broadband service providers for best-in-class voice and data services.

Rural Telephony

We are bringing meaningful connectivity to 3.4 million citizens in rural communities. In partnership with GIFEC (Ghana Infrastructure Fund for Electronics & Communication), we are building a turnkey rural wireless network connecting the unconnected, reducing digital divide and increasing financial inclusion. The rural wireless network operates as a shared network, allowing all MNOs to extend their network to underserved areas.

E-Gov Net

We’re delivering upon the promise of a Digital Super Information Highway (100x) – a world-class software-defined IP core, with 100 Gbps optical transport, delivering 50-100 Mbps connectivity to 950+ agencies across Ghana, including districts, post offices, police stations, municipalities and hospitals. This is a fundamental building block for nationwide 4G and 5G networks.

Our partners

Telco Cloud, 4G/5G core

Tech MahindraMicrosoft

4G/5G RAN / Open RAN


Devices, DigiCo Platform and Applications
